主演:Ivan Rassimov Me Me Lai Pratitsak S
语言:意大利语 / Bur
简介:A photographer accidentally kills a man in self-defense and while retreating into the jungles of an Asian country, is captured by a native tribe who hold him captive, force him into slave labor, and eventually accept him when he marries the chief's daughter. Throughout the whole film, I never felt this was a horror film. It was more reminiscent of a drama, like A MAN CALLED HOR... (展开全部) A photographer accidentally kills a man in self-defense and while retreating into the jungles of an Asian country, is captured by a native tribe who hold him captive, force him into slave labor, and eventually accept him when he marries the chief's daughter. Throughout the whole film, I never felt this was a horror film. It was more reminiscent of a drama, like A MAN CALLED HORSE, which I liked better. Ivan Rassimov is pretty good as the photographer, but it is Me Me Lai as the chief's daughter who is memorable and great. I have always been a Me Me Lai fan ever since her breathtaking performance in JUNGLE HOLOCAUST and she is never given credit for her acting chops because she hardly speaks in her films. She is still very talented and charming. Lots of real animal mutilation is the one thing about DEEP RIVER that could make it a horror film, but even that doesn't execute well.
主演:Tim Beekman Huib Broos Eric Clerckx
简介:别名Twee vorstinnen en een vorst (1981) ,关于不伦之恋的一部影片,一个老男人回到家乡鹿特丹探望临终的母亲,回首了他在20世纪初作为一个15岁的少年生活在激进的无政府主义但又很温馨的母亲身边的一些事。他的父亲是个忠厚的佣工,劳动所得很难支付家庭的开支,甚至有付不起房租将要被房东赶出贫民窟似的租住房送入监狱。自从生活艰难的家里多了小姨科莱特之后,少年莱维恩的生活发生了变化。性感的小姨一找着机会就挑逗他,不久就让少年爱上了她,于是,他选择背叛母亲而和小姨猥亵,最终他发现两个女人大同小异和小姨的卑鄙,心有刺痛,虽然母亲总是想方设法给家庭创造快乐,他还是决定离开这个是非之家出海求学,不再回来。
主演:Kim.Hyeon-mok Lee.In-seon-I