主演:Ivan Rassimov Me Me Lai Pratitsak S
语言:意大利语 / Bur
简介:A photographer accidentally kills a man in self-defense and while retreating into the jungles of an Asian country, is captured by a native tribe who hold him captive, force him into slave labor, and eventually accept him when he marries the chief's daughter. Throughout the whole film, I never felt this was a horror film. It was more reminiscent of a drama, like A MAN CALLED HOR... (展开全部) A photographer accidentally kills a man in self-defense and while retreating into the jungles of an Asian country, is captured by a native tribe who hold him captive, force him into slave labor, and eventually accept him when he marries the chief's daughter. Throughout the whole film, I never felt this was a horror film. It was more reminiscent of a drama, like A MAN CALLED HORSE, which I liked better. Ivan Rassimov is pretty good as the photographer, but it is Me Me Lai as the chief's daughter who is memorable and great. I have always been a Me Me Lai fan ever since her breathtaking performance in JUNGLE HOLOCAUST and she is never given credit for her acting chops because she hardly speaks in her films. She is still very talented and charming. Lots of real animal mutilation is the one thing about DEEP RIVER that could make it a horror film, but even that doesn't execute well.
主演:阿格涅兹卡·格罗乔斯卡 马太乌兹·科西基维奇 Anna Próchni
导演:Filip Marczewski
简介:别名:Bez wstydu ,波兰R级影片,,波兰小镇的风光、女主角的表演不错,好清新的畸恋片儿。
主演:Krzysztof Majchrzak Adam Ferency Kr
简介:别名: Pornography 维托尔德叙述一个故事。在华沙,1943年,他遇见耕地肖邦在沙龙和他们成为朋友。他把肖邦与他的国家遗产玛丽亚Henia,他们十几岁的女儿。 Hipolit帮助当地的抵抗战士。肖邦开始在游戏中Waclaw,Henia的未婚夫,工程师cuckolding的卡罗尔,谁是Henia的长时间的朋友在家庭青年。战争侵扰的国家牧歌时发生一宗谋杀案在晚餐在庄园和当地游击队指挥官时,似乎失去了他的抓地力。有传言称,战争可能很快结束,不制止致命轮流。肖邦的性质是什么,什么塑造?